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In today’s fast-paced world, the way we work has evolved drastically. With the rise of remote work and freelancing, many professionals find themselves working alone, at least some of the time. While working in solitude can have its perks, it may unknowingly stifle your growth and creativity. Let’s take a journey through the life of a professional, exploring five reasons why working alone could be limiting them and how office co-sharing spaces can break these barriers!

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Business Identification Number (BIN), Compliant business, Legal regulations, Permanent address, property protection, Safeguarding, Tax Identification Number (TIN) -

Starting a business is an exciting journey, but amidst the enthusiasm, it is crucial to ensure that your business is compliant with government and legal regulations from the very beginning. Because no one wants lawsuits!!! Compliance not only demonstrates professionalism and credibility but also helps safeguard your business from potential legal and financial risks. In this blog, we will explore the five essential elements that every business must have to establish a compliant foundation. This will also ensure that you are eligible for investment and you will not have to pay additional speed money to speed things up to meet...

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boost of productivity, community, coworking, coworking space dhaka, Inspiration, networking, New idea generation, Positive Energy stimulation, shared knowledge and skill, shared space, team building -

Moar (crossroads and the coolest coworking space in DhakaΒ πŸ˜‰) and coworking spaces have become increasingly popular over the years, providing an environment where people can come together to work on their flexible time.Β 

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community, coworking, coworking space dhaka, entrepreneurship, networking, work-life balance -

We will discover ways to preserve work-life balance in this blog. Co-working places provide flexibility at the workplace. Flexibility empowers employees to prioritize other aspects of life such as family, friends etc. At coworking places all employees collaborate while working.
This makes work less monotonous and gives you a community experience. If you feel bored at work, you can talk to the next person instead of browsing the phone. Enjoy every moment and take time to appreciate yourself for how far you have come. Refer them to the best coworking place so that they can enjoy a work life balance too.

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Everyone needs inspiration! When it comes to entrepreneurs, it can provide unique solutions to problems they are trying to solve in their businesses. Many successful personalities recommend seeking inspiration from literature, music, movies. The world of movies has blessed us with so many great artwork that could inspire new ideas and teach lessons. If you are not a bibliophile, movies can be an excellent start because there are stories that can leave you feeling inspired. So here’s the list of three movies that we recommend to aspiring change-makers like you. The social networkΒ  The inception of Facebook was unveiled through...

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